We spent a long hot saturday in a beautiful barn building my very own franken-bike, and it was totally marvellous. The frame was the original Mason Bokeh prototype, and the parts were leftovers and spares. This bike is not only amazing for me, but it is, and will always be the only one like it in the world. The experience of actually building a bike was not something I’d ever think I’d have, but I am so glad that I did. To see how a bike fits together, and truly graft for something makes it all the more special and I can’t wait to get out on it, adventuring all over the country, continent and … well lets not get ahead of ourselves. At the moment we only have one trip planned but I can’t wait to see how this bike moves, how I feel on it and how far I can go now. Let’s hope we’re a match made in heaven, because I think this bike and I are going places.
C xoxo